Coperate Social Responsibility
Dominique Bazin was nominated District Governor for the Rotary District 7020 for the Rotary Year 2024-2025.
To find more information please visit the District 7020 Website: to learn about Dominique Bazin refer to her Curriculum Vitae
AEI/ELS supported various projects over the years including organizing the complete logistic for an entrepreneurship camp supporting local companies with the help of international and local business experts.
After 2016 Hurricane Mathew, AEI/ElS was organizing food distribution in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince “Cite Soleil” by joining forces with Rotary.
Furthermore Dominique Bazin is:
a driving force in the Haitian / Chinese business relations by supporting the Haitian Chamber of commerce not only locally but also for having organized yearly trips for Haitian Business owners to travel to china.
the President de Lakou Lapè, a peace and conflict resolution institution in Haiti.
18 years Rotarian, past assistant governor and member of the Rotary Club of Pétion-Ville Sud.